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野孩子中秋回家唱 黄河谣 罗琦助阵成都站引怀旧

       大家好!今天让小编来大家介绍下关于暖意融融的歌曲 的问题,来看看吧。希望可以帮助到你哦!




野孩子中秋回家唱 黄河谣 罗琦助阵成都站

可以形容感情方面,比如家人、恋人、友人、师长等的关心和爱护都会让人感到暖意融融。也可以用暖意融融来形容季节或者天气,比如春日、阳春三月等。暖意:温暖的意味;温暖的情味。郭沫若 《双倍的春天》诗序:“在欢迎队伍中,车行很缓,暖意盎然,社会主义的春天有了加倍的感觉,因成此诗。”融融:和暖;明媚。冰心 《再寄小读者》六:“在雪光之中,看到融融的春景,在我还是第一次!”例句:1、他心情高兴,犹如北京的二月,春风吹的暖意融融!2、大雪节气就要到,短信问候少不了,暖意融融把雪消,祝福热热烦恼抛,冬天心暖不难熬,祝您健康不感冒,愿您年底收尾好,工作晋升多钞票。



《爱情神话》插曲是《The Soldier's Sweetheart》。

2022年1月17日电影《爱情神话》官宣延期电影密钥,延长上映至1月31日,将“神话”继续,将烟火留存。影片上线插曲《The Soldier's Sweetheart》,轻柔慢调的音乐中,让人再次回味“爱情神话”的魅力与暖意。

《The Soldier's Sweetheart》舒缓轻柔的音乐衬托着老乌(周野芒 饰)娓娓道来的爱情故事,为这段“神话”装点了一份温暖与美好。


Once I had a sweetheart

A sweetheart brave and true

His hair was dark and straight

His loving eyes were black

He told me that he loved me

And he often proved it so

And he often came to see me

When the evening sun was low

But fate took him away

To this awful German war

And when he came to say goodbye

My heart did overflow

He says goodbye little darling

To France I must go

He takes the golden finger ring

And he placed it on my hand

Said remember me little darling

When I'm in no man's land

He promised he would write to me

That promise he kept was true

And when I read this letter friend

I pray the war is through

The second letter I got from him

The war was just ahead

The third one wrote by his captain

My darling dear was dead

I'll keep all of his letters

I'll keep his gold ring too

And I'll always live a single life

For the soldier who was so true

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标签: 暖意   神话   温暖